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Council on National Security and Immigration Calls for a Permanent Solution for Dreamers

September 13, 2023

Press Release


CONTACT: Anna Kumar

WASHINGTON – The Council on National Security and Immigration (CNSI) today released a statement calling on legislative action for a permanent solution for Dreamers following U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s decision finding 2022 rulemaking on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) unlawful. Hanen stayed the ruling, and current DACA recipients still have temporary deportation protections and work permits as litigation continues.

“For over a decade, DACA recipients have been left in limbo without the ability to earn permanent legal immigration status and eventual citizenship. Only Congress and the President can make that possible, and they must act.

“Dreamers are in America through no fault of their own, and often the U.S. is the only home they know. Many have been vital members of our society for at least a decade, contributing to the U.S. economy and learning in our schools alongside our children. These are people who, with permanent status, could serve in our military and help support the security of our nation. They deserve to have certainty around their immigration status so they can continue to contribute to American society and our national security. This most recent ruling does the opposite, leaving Dreamers in limbo as they await the Supreme Court’s final decision, which most likely comes in 2024 or 2025.

“With swift action, Washington can provide Dreamers with a pathway to permanent immigration status, which will strengthen our economy and bolster our national security.”


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